Click here to see if you were one of our Zombie Minimate winners!!! Big thanks to Diamond Select Toys for the awesome prizes.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Raven Hex Figure from Diamond Select Toys
Diamond Select Toys continues their Femme Fatales line with this new figure of Raven Hex. Besides being the dream girl of every boy who ever played Dungeons and Dragons or owned a Dimmu Borgir album, she is also the sister of Tarot, who is likewise created by comic dude Jim Balent. This PVC statue will be available sometime in the coming year and will likely be in the $40 range, which is not bad considering this is the closest you're ever going to get to a girl this mean that won't steal your credit card or kill your plants.
Shawnimals Ninja of the Month
The Ninja of the Month for November has just been revealed and I don't think he's on the hunt for turkey. This zombie ninja from Shawnimals is a take on the exclusive he did at New York Comic Con a few weeks ago. You can snatch him up on November 2nd at 1pm CDT for $30 by clicking here.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Kronk x Kidrobot Yankee Pig Dog Labbit
I was just thinking to myself how I might make it past Christmas without buying anymore toys this year and then I see this. Kronk and Kidrobot are releasing a second version of the Yankee Pig Dog, this time in black. Having already picked up his green brother at New York Comic Con, there's no way I can pass up the chance to add another one to my collection. And just like before, the folks at Kidrobot are warning us ahead of time about the imperfections of the piece. But having stared at the one I own for a few weeks now I can tell you that any worries you may have about quality will be dashed once you hold one in your hands. These things are amazing and if you pass it up you'll definitely regret it. This version is limited to 900 pieces worldwide and will cost $69. Buy yourself an early Christmas present on November 17th.
Kozik x Kidrobot Christmas Dunny
Frosty's gone bad. Like drinking, smoking, and most likely womanizing bad. And with his heathen ways he has adopted the name "Crusty" and has immortalized it in yellow snow for all the girls and boys to see. Kozik and Kidrobot are bringing the holiday cheer with this guy, who also has a melted counterpart that is considered a chase figure (it looks like it would be kinda easy to tell which one you were getting just by giving a little squeeze to the box). On November 3rd you can pick one up for $11.95 and then mail it to me. Or keep it for yourself if you're cheap.
Super7 DokuDuo Releases Today!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
New Toys From Monster Pants

The first figure is the Robot Companion which stand 3 and 3/4 inches and is limited to only 66 pieces. For him to be your friend it will run you $24. Up next they have a version of their logo with his zipped up mouth. These guys look like they could be props in a low budget horror film and that's why I love them. The red and green editions are both limited to 22 pieces and will cost $66. Click here and pre order your now before they're gone and you cry yourself to sleep.
Halloween Sale from Mimobot

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Two New Batman Statues for 2012

Day of The Dead Android from The Beast Brothers

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Rampage Toys Ugly Unicorn for Halloween

Kaws Defaces Snoopy

Kaws has the greatest job in the universe. He sees an iconic character, X's out his eyes as if he's dead and BAM! instant expensive art toy. Having added his touch to Disney and Star Wars he has now invaded the world of the Peanuts with this Snoopy figure. I don't know how much it will cost, but judging by his past work I'm sure it will be more than my electric bill. If you needed another reason not to buy what is honestly a boring toy, just remember that Kanye West will probably get one, and he's dumb. Taylor Swift or die!!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Vote on the Next Star Wars Figure

Friday, October 21, 2011
Win a Free NYCC Exclusive Zombie Mini Mate

Hasbro Has Your NYCC Exclusives

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Kidrobot x Staple Pigeon Figure

I thought I was one of the cool kids. I thought that I was "well liked by my peers," and "into hip things," but I think I may have overestimated. I'm sure there's more irony in this toy than all of Brooklyn could hold. What I see is a pigeon that looks to have swallowed a dozen or so really stale doughnuts. This dirty bird is brought to you by Staple Design and Kidrobot. Behind the bird you can see that it comes with its own little plastic dropping. All the hip kids must look at this and and find it to be brilliant, but I can honestly say the feeling is not mutual. If you want this for your own it will be available November 3rd and will cost you $75. I guess I'll just have to wait around until death metal and being unpleasant are cool again.
Shawnimals x Kidrobot Ninja Town Plush

MAD x Kidrobot Bent World Cans

Gentle Giant Sale Going on Now!

Some of you may not be able to go to Toys R Us or Target and buy toys because your significant other gives you a hard time about them. Being that divorce is an expensive process, why not just trick them into thinking your wants are more sophisticated than mere "toys"; they're "statues." Gentle Giant wants to help you decorate your home like a crazy person by having an amazing sale through November 1st. They're adding new stuff everyday, but I picked out a few Star Wars busts that I thought were particularly cool. Behold, the Death Trooper:

Seen at NYCC: Lulubell Toys x Cherry Vinyl
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
New Kaiju From Max Toy Company

Seen at NYCC: Frombie and Ohiya
One of the best things about going to comic cons are discovering things that you hadn't previously known about. Check out these vinyl toys from Frombies. The girl's name is Zora, and the little flying squirrel is named SkiddlyBoop. The Zora figure comes blank and is ready to customize while the squirrel comes in both green and orange. Everything was really reasonable as far as price goes and there is a story line that ties all of the characters together.

Another new company we were able to stumble upon was Ohiya. They had great assortment of tee shirts available for sale and some pretty cool custom toys and plush on display. They're working on getting things manufactured as we speak, so expect to see lots of product from these guys in the near future.
Super7 Trio of Terror This Friday

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Seen at NYCC: The Sucklord
I picked up one of his famous Gay Empire figures before they could all be spoken for by the crowd. This is the newest edition of his most popular figure that has long since sold out.
Seen at NYCC: DC Direct
They also had on display their Anime inspired line of female characters and artist renditions of the classic Spy Vs. Spy comic from Mad Magazine. Check out our Facebook page at for more pics.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Seen: Super 7 at NYCC
Super 7 made the trip all the way from San Francisco for New York Comic Con and brought tons of new toys with them. I snagged a Pocket Mummy Boy and a Pocket Invisiboy to add to my small collection of their wares. I've been coveting them for a long time and it was nice to finally get them. Check out some of the pictures we took and try not to drool all over your keyboard. It's already too late for me.
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