1.) Axe Deodorant should really set up a booth with free samples next year. You put that many people into one place and body funk is inevitable.
2.) On the subject of scents: I was glad to learn the butter smell that was prevelent in one area of the convention turned out to be from a popcorn stand. As for the cat pee smell that was even more offensive, that remains a mystery.
3.) Evidently, Harley Quinn is the hardest cosplay outfit to make and also the most popular. Next year I'm considering hosting a panel that merges Americas Next Top Model with the women of Comic Con. We're gonna get you looking fierce ladies! (We'll work toys into it somehow)
4.) Spandex is not for everyone and at no time in my life has that been more clear.
5.) I'm dangerous when a place is willing to accept credit cards.
6.) I'm taller than anyone who likes Anime.
That's all for now. Take a gander at all the stuff I got and keep checking back as I post the goings on of specific booths.
I would like to be a judge on the panel. Also I agree with you on the spandex thing. And Axe was giving out free samples it was in the back of artist alley.