Who knew that metallic pink could make blood spatter look that much better? Medicom is making this 100% Gloomy Bear Bearbrick to go along with the 18,000 other items the cute little killer already has out. He's gonna cost you $24.99 but as a bonus his shiny surface will reflect the sun into the eyes of someone you hate and cause them to crash their bicycle, probably disfiguring them for life. Not that you would do that though.
Friday, December 30, 2011
100% Metallic Gloomy Bear Bearbrick
Who knew that metallic pink could make blood spatter look that much better? Medicom is making this 100% Gloomy Bear Bearbrick to go along with the 18,000 other items the cute little killer already has out. He's gonna cost you $24.99 but as a bonus his shiny surface will reflect the sun into the eyes of someone you hate and cause them to crash their bicycle, probably disfiguring them for life. Not that you would do that though.
Bearbrick Series 23
You can never have enough toys. There's no possible way. Not even if you fill your house up, and your family calls the people at Hoarders, and you have to skip a couple of meals a day to buy new ones. It's mathematically impossible and math is kings my friends, just ask my 9th grade geometry teacher (may he rest his soul). So that being said, you and I both need more Bearbricks, and the kind folks at Medicom were more than happy to accommodate. Presenting Series 23, with your usual mash up of artist designs, famous characters, etc. My favorite has to be the Andy Warhol one, which is at the top and only features his iconic banana print from the Velvet Underground. It's minimal, which I've grown to appreciate, and it's a Warhol. I feel that ol Andy would have really been into toys as an art form, so it's nice to see his design put to good use.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Yummy Donut Erasers from Heidi Kenney and Kidrobot
Erasers have long been a collectible in Asia, but we Americans are really just starting to see this trend. Anyone who shops at Michael's has noticed the little packets of food with the Japanese characters on them. Well Kidrobot is getting into the game now with these Yummy Donut erasers designed by Heidi Kenney. Each pack comes with 6 different donuts that you can use, trade, or throw at your friends with little worry about serious injury. They'll be $5.95 per pack and will be available starting January 12th. While definitely a niche item, these 1 inch deserts could be a neat accessory to some of your larger figures and could make for some really funny pictures. Kidrobot also made eraser boomboxes not too long ago, so you could make a ridiculous diorama for your loved one for Valentine's Day. Believe me, there's nothing a woman loves more.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Stomper: Poland's First Vinyl Toy
Check out the first ever vinyl toy from Poland. It's called Stomper and it was designed by Michael Nowack from RocketDesign. He stand just over 3 inches tall and will retail for $20 when he's released. It's a pretty unique design compared to what we normally see in DIY toy releases. Can't wait to see some of the amazing customs that will include this figure in their design.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Manotaur from Rampage Toys x Imps and Monsters
Our buddy Jon at Rampage Toys just posted up a picture of something new that's in the works for this Spring. He teamed up with Justin Hillgrove of Imps and Monsters to bring you the Manotaur! Above you can see what the final sculpt will look like, which Justin did himself. These are being produced in Japan and will be painted up by Jon. I really like this design and can't wait to see what the final product will look like. As soon as more pictures are released I'll be sure to post them up. You can also check out the original design below, which is awesome looking. Could be a good tattoo, no?
Monday, December 26, 2011
Minecraft Creeper Vinyl
Okay, I'll admit it. I've never played Minecraft. I know that you build things, and monsters try to make you their love slaves or something. But that's beside the point. Check out this Creeper from the game!!!!! It was designed by world renowned artist MAD and is produced by Jinx, who are well know for their gamer t-shirts. This guy stands 6 inches tall and comes with a little diamond block accessory. He's $30 and you can order him by clicking here. A pixelated limited edition will also be released in the near future, so get this one now so you can have the set of them.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Kozik x Kidrobot Glossy Labbits
Oooooooooh shiny bunnies! On January 12th get what you really wanted for Christmas buy returning all those ugly sweaters and buying glossy Labbits from Kozik and Kidrobot. These things are 10 inches of lung cancer inducing cuteness and will cost you $60 each. I'm interested to see how they look in person before I decide whether I need one or not. Ok, scratch that, I obviously need them all. I don't know why I even bother trying to behave myself with money.
On a side note, Mr. Frank Kozik has declared his love for fruitcake on his Facebook page, even going as far to post an address where you can send him all of your unwanted bricks of yuck. I would imagine he doesn't want the slice left over from your Christmas dinner, but if it's still sealed and you like to mail things, here's an easy way to get rid of the ungodly dessert without having to throw it in the trash. Who knows, maybe he'll send you back some beef jerky.
Jesse Hernandez Mecha Azteca Color Ways Revealed
We're finally getting a look at what colors the Jesse Hernandez x Raje Toys Mecha Azteca will be available in. The green and yellow version will be only be for sale through Limited Edition Comix (and there's only 100 of them), while the red and yellow one will be available through Raje. The black and grey version is a special chase that you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting when ordering from Raje. They're gonna set you back $125 if you wait until the release date in March, but if you preorder they will only be $100 and it will include the shipping. You only have until December 31st to get in on the preorder though.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Sucklord x Work of Art Judges
The Work of Art season finale aired last night, and while I was happy that Kymia won, I was sad that Sucklord was only there as a spectator. But let's be real, he's creative enough to get more out of the show than anyone else involved and this is the proof of that. Having already captured his own likeness and that of Bravo executive Andy Cohen, Sucklord has now moved on to the very judges responsible for sending him home from the show. First up is Jerry Saltz, who really is an easy guy to dislike. I would have to think he falls into the super-villain category, mainly because he's bald (like Lex Luthor) and he wears a suit. Oh, and he told Sucklord to drop the Star Wars references, which is akin to nerd blasphemy. Need further proof of his marriage to the dark side? He also comes in a glow-in-the-dark version:
He probably got whatever power it is that makes you glow when he made his deal with Satan. Just sayin.
You can also get Mr. Saltz in the three pack of people from the show that also includes the always bizarrely attired China Chow and the greatest Swiss man alive Simone DePury. Simone went on a rant about becoming slaves to chickens last night which really should have inspired Young's art show. Maybe we can get some chicken slave figures from Suckadelic? On a side not, China Chow is wearing the spray painted dress that was a definite homage to Alexander McQueen (and you thought I only knew about toys) and also the dress that she wore when Sucklord was eliminated from the show. What does it all mean? Probably nothing, I just wanted to show you how much I actually pay attention to all of the television I watch, which could be interpreted as a sad thing.
Marvel Minimates Classics Available this Spring
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Carbon Fiber 400% Bearbrick
You see that Bearbrick there? It's kinda big, really expensive, and it's not made of plastic. It's made of carbon fiber! Ok, I'll admit, I had to take a little refresher course on what exactly carbon fiber was and why I should be excited about it. Basically it's the same stuff they use to make tennis rackets, parts of car bodies, and tons of other sports related things like fishing rods. It's flexible, lightweight, and strong. But it won't stop a bullet, which really disappointed me. That material is called Kevlar and I now demand that they make a toy out of it so I can take to the gun range and try to blow a hole in. So Medicom, if you're reading this, your new mission has just been handed to you. Bullet proof a toy and let me shoot it. With a gun. While I video tape it.
Super7 x Lego????
So I didn't even know that I had this dream, but evidently it is one step closer to being a very real reality, possibly. This picture was found on Super7's blog and depicts some of their iconic characters standing behind Lego representations of themselves. This is something they have been working on with a friend of theirs from Lego and it is, needless to say, amazing. I love Super7 and I love Lego probably more than I should, so to see the two combined gave me a toy induced seizure. Once I recovered I looked at more pics of this collaboration, including this one of what they "might" look like all packaged together.
This is all the info they would divulge on the subject, but then said that 2012 should be an interesting year. Go ahead and bill me now.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Hospitalized for the Holidays? Let I Heart Guts Help
I was in the hospital not too long ago and it sucks. No matter if your gonna make it or not it is often the worst experience of your life. The folks at I Heart Guts know that being bed ridden is a drag, especially for Christmas, so they've decided to make things a little better for one lucky person. Just head over to their Facebook page here and tell them why someone you know deserves a $100 worth of plush guts to make their hospital stay a little better this holiday season. Replace that bad heart with a cuddly one, or get a stomach that can digest all those milk products you've missed out on (curse you lactose). The contest ends tonight (December 20th) so go and do it right now.
Alice: Madness Returns Figures
Lord of The Rings Legos Coming in 2012
This is pretty epic. Lego will be releasing Lord of The Rings themed sets starting in the Summer of next year. No word yet on whether or not there will be a video game tie in (please please please). So far they are just teasing us with the picture you see above, but I can only imagine these will be some of the best Lego sets ever. I was able to resist the Star Wars ones, which was really hard to do, but I may just have to cave and get a couple of these.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Jesse Hernandez x Raje Toys Update
It's been awhile since we've heard from our friends at Raje Toys, but just when you thought they had forgotten about us, they post this on their site! These are a couple of pics of the toy they've been working on for some time with Jesse Hernandez. These were taken in the factory, so that leads me to believe that these could see the light of day in the coming year. Let's keep our fingers crossed because this is one mean looking chunk of plastic.
Disney and Spongebob Mini Figures From Play Imaginative
Here are a couple of new mini figure series we can expect to see from Play Imaginative early next year. First up is a set from Disney featuring a ton of their most popular characters. The first wave of them should be hitting stores in January.
Next up is Spongebob and his little fishy buddies. Each wave of these figures will be released at a different time next year, giving you the opportunity to save up and buy them all. The great things about both series are they fact that each one will be packaged on a blister card rather than blind boxed. This take the mystery, and frustration, out of which ones you will get. Probably a smart idea being as how a lot of kids are gonna want these and from what I'm told kids don't like not getting their way.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Best Place Ever to Store Your Toys?
We all struggle with creative ways to display the things we collect, but no matter what we come up with, nothing will ever top this. Vince likes Lord of The Rings a lot. Vince likes to buy everything he can related to Lord of the Rings. Vince had someone build him a Hobbit house so he had somehwere to store his collection. Click here to watch the video tour of this amazing place. First though, you might wanna put something over your keyboard to catch all of the drool.
Batman: Arkham City Figures Series 2
As my wife is well aware, Batman: Arkham City has consumed many many hours of my life. So much so that I was having dreams about finding Riddler statues and downloading add on content. It's a sickness that DC Direct is now perpetuating with Series 2 of their figures from the game. They have the Riddler, The Mad Hatter, Detective Mode Batman, Hush, and Catwoman (who I'm sure will not be popular at all with every toy collecting male). As always, these figures look amazing (some more than others, **cough** Catwoman **cough**). But you'll have to wait until April to get your hands on em. Don't worry though, because Series 1 comes out in a few days and that will help you make it through.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Skeletal Gummy Bears? You Can Make This Happen!
Is your mind blown yet just by looking at this picture? Are you really happy that the candy manufacturers remove the gummy bear bones before they sell you their delicious, fruit flavored bodies? Are you wondering where you can hunt your own gummy bears and bypass the middle man?
These anatomic gummy bears were dreamed up by artist Jason Freeny and are really, really cool. But there's a problem. Famemaster wants to make these toys, has produced prototypes, and has tried selling them to toy stores at trade shows. But for some reason, no toy store has gotten on board and placed an order. No orders equals no manufacturing. So as toy fans, and reasonably awesome folks, let's take matters into our own hands an insure that these amazing creations become available to us all. Tell Famemaster that you need these, that you would forsake all others just to be able to own one. Go to http://www.famemaster.com/enquiry.asp and very nicely tell them how much you love them. Let's drum up enough interest so that maybe we can at least get a small batch of them made and available to us. And if you own a toy store and would love to carry these please please please let them know of your interest.
TADO x Creo Design Funghi Release
Check out these little shrooms from the fine folks at TADO and Creo Design. What blows my mind about these is that there are only 60 of them available in the world and 35 different color combinations! This is sure to drive collectors insane, which is never a bad thing. Each 4 inch figure comes packaged in a signed box and will be available tomorrow, December 16th, on two different websites. You can get them from the manufacturer at http://www.creodesign.bigcartel.com/, or you can get them from the artists by visiting http://www.tadoshop.bigcartel.com/.
New Toys From Super7 and Christmas Sale
Tomorrow is Friday. Super7 has new toys for you to buy. You should have seen this coming.
Check out the special Christmas edition of Honoo by Leecifer. These come blind bagged, so you may get the regular version on the left, or you may get the pimped out Christmas tree version on the right that is filled with tinsel. You can take the gamble for $35.
And if you've behaved yourself this year or know someone who has kept you up to date on all the latest toy news while entertaining you at the same time, then you should take advantage of the Super7 BOGO sale. Just buy one toy and get a second half price. The new releases above don't count, but they have so much stuff on their website you probably will be broke before you realize what you've done anyway. The sale starts tomorrow and runs through the 19th of December.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Play Imaginative Tweaks Trexi Design
Play Imaginative have made a few design modifications to their signature platform toy Trexi. The greatest thing about this new look is the arms and legs are much more posable than before. Where you could once only turn a leg from left to right, they now can move front to back, which gives you a little more flexibility in how you display them. The arms are further apart allowing for a much greater range of motion. Overall I really like the changes and applaud Play Imaginative for being brave enough to change a figure that designer toy collectors have loved for years.
DC Little Mates
Oh my God how have I never heard of these? They're called DC Little Mates and I want them all. Evidently these were manufactured by a company in Spain and only available in Europe. They are 2 and 1/2 inches tall and amazing. I've been on a serious Batman kick since playing Arkham City, so needless to say all of the Gotham characters are my favorite, but I'd be happy to get any of them. A bunch of websites have them up for sale for all of us needy Americans, so they're not too hard to find.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
New Domo Qees coming in 2012
Toy2R head honcho Raymond Choy sent out this picture to his Facebook followers earlier this week. It's a sneak peak of the new blind boxed Domo Qees. While it's hard to make out a lot of the finer details, from what I can see the figures look to be as cool as they usually are. They will release in April of 2012, just in time to take your tax refund money. I'll put up better pictures when they are available.
Amazing Van Models from Dirty Donny
When I was younger I dreamed about getting a ton of money and buying a Dodge Viper. There was something about that car that drew me to it and while I was waiting to make my millions (still waiting mind you) I decided to put together a model of it. I got the kit, the paint, and the glue and went to town on that sucker. By went to town I mean I glued most of the parts to my hand and the finished product looked like it had been in a horrific accident involving mass casualties. My days of building models seemed to be forever behind me until I saw this. This is Vantasy from artist Dirty Donny, a fully customizable Chevy van straight outta the 70's. You get multiple decals to change up the look however you want so yo can make the ultimate party wagon. This is the first of 3 that he's doing for AMT and will be released in early 2012. I just hope there's a sticker of a valkyre riding a polar bear as she descends into battle. Or a nice wizard would be ok too.
Monday, December 12, 2011
FatCap Series 3 From Kidrobot
January 26th marks the long awaited return of Kidrobot's FatCap toys. 14 designers have lent their interpretations to the series, including a a few that really surprised me. Jon-Paul Kaiser (doing his first toy for Kidrobot), Julie West, and Kronk are welcome additions to the toy line that focuses heavily on street artists (hence the spray paint can design). These will be blind boxed at $9.95 each and there are two different figures that come with every case purchase. Those who buy a case in the United States will get a special edition toy by Sket-One, while everyone else in the world will receive one from Scribe. This is a very cool series and features some of the best designs ever used on this platform.
Toy Soldier Android
The holiday toys keep coming and this one is courtesy of Gary Ham. These go on sale December 14th at 11am and 11pm Eastern time, so you have two chances to score one that day. As with most toys these days, production issues pushed its release back a bit, so if you want to get one of these to display for Christmas you better order as soon as they go on sale. Click here to get yours.
More Holiday Goodness from Maqet
Maqet is bringing out all the big guns to celebrate Christmas. In addition to the Heathrows from Frank Kozik and the create your own kits, they've added a ton of stuff to their site to help make your toy collection a bit more festive. Scott Tolleson adds to figures to the mix, the candy cane inspired Bernie an the elf named Saint Bernard. Both can be had for $35 each.
If you dig teddy bears you have 4 different ones to choose from, all created by Shin and Nao. Three of them are sporting different shades of plaid and the fourth is transformed into a snowman. They are $25 each.
My favorite of the bunch is this tattooed version of Santa Clause courtesy of Yosiell Lorenzo. Evidently Santa is released on parole every Christmas to do his thing and then has to immediately report back to serve his life sentence. What did he do? Well, for $25 you can ask him yourself and pray he doesn't shank you for irritating him.
Friday, December 9, 2011
New From Super7
For most people Friday means the last day of the work week, the day that every once in awhile includes a man in a hockey mask killing college coeds, or that annoying Rebecca Black song that makes suicide look so attractive. For Super7 it means new toys. Check out their dual-headed collaboration with Secret Base, the ZombieFighter, who can be yours for $65. Or maybe you're more into giant wart hog mutants, in which case you'll wanna plunk down some chips for the Paul Kaiju creation known as Partyball. He's a tad cheaper at $35. Or maybe you've want them both so you can get one step closer towards decorating your house with nothing but toys and Ikea furniture. Realize your dreams today at noon Pacific time at www.super7store.com.
Boba Fett Bank from Diamond Select Toys
I love my cats, but I don't trust them with my money. Every time I look under the bed I find dollar bills in quantities that make me think a tiny stripper must live under there. A very tiny stripper. But just as soon as I'm about to call the evening news about my scandalous elf who is working her way through law school I also discover piles of cat toys that had long vanished. My cats have been hoarding all my money!!!!! Diamond Select Toys must have heard my plight for a secure place to stash my cash and created this. Boba Fett will keep their furry little mits off my monies.
Don't believe me that my cats are robbing me blind? This is what I caught on hidden camera: