
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ever Wonder How Toys Are Made? Some Insight from A Little Stranger

    Making a toy isn't as easy as it seems.  You don't just have an idea and watch it come to life while you sit on the couch eating Doritos and watching Dr. Who.  It takes work.  And clay.  And lots of money.  Most of the time we never get to see the process as it literally takes shape, but when A Little Stranger did the sculpting for the mascot of ToyConUK she was kind enough to document the process so we could get a glimpse into what it takes to make a cool vinyl toy.  She took the design from The Hang Gang, brought it to life in 3D, and then Unbox Industries had this sucker produced.  You can check it all out from start to finish over at her website  

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