
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Red Edition of Paul Kaiju's Luftkaiser from Toy Art Gallery Releases Today!

    Can you sprain your eyeball?  I think I might have.  See, I got sucked into that whole Candy Crush nonsense and I think I played it until I sprained my right eye.  I woke up this morning, ready to share my wealth of secret toy knowledge and overall general insight into the workings of the world when I noticed my eye was literally sore.  I think my addiction to that silly online game has come to a head.  I'll be expecting an intervention soon.  Be gentle.

    Hopefully my eye doesn't split open and reveal that something like this has been chewing on my optic nerve like a Twizzler.  This red edition of Paul Kaiju's Luftkaiser will release today at 12pm Pacific time from Toy Art Gallery.  He's a pretty sinister looking bro.  Get one for yourself by going to

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