
Friday, November 22, 2013

Sons of Anarchy Pop! Vinyl Figures from Funko

    Before we get started here, if you haven't watched the latest episode of Sons of Anarchy you might want to stop reading right now, cause I'm gonna spoil the crap out of it for you.  Not that I will feel bad about it mind you, because your butt should have been firmly planted on your couch Tuesday night and watching it.  What were you doing instead?  Were you out with your knitting group, making blankies for your mamas?  

    Now that we got that out of the way, HOLY CRAP I NEED EVERY ONE OF THESE!  Funko has outdone itself with these Sons of Anarchy Pop! Vinyl figures.  These are just the first of hopefully many to come, as there are so many variations they could do.  They could make Clay as a glowing ghost like at the end of Return of the Jedi, or prison love Otto, or they could make a two pack of dead hookers so you can set up authentic dioramas based on scenes from the show.  The possibilities are endless my friends.  They come out on January 7th, which is approximately the date I will stop crying after this season ends.  

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