
Friday, July 24, 2015

"Man in Red" Francios le Grande Preorder from Lullubell Toys

    There's something about giant figures that just captivates me.  Any time I go into a store and see a cool display made of plastic or fiberglass I always want to take it home.  The other day on the Ocean City boardwalk a store had a huge hermit crab hanging from the ceiling and I wanted that thing sooooooooooooo badly.  I have no idea what I would have done with it when I got it home, but that was the least of the problems as I saw it.  I just wanted it and didn't care about anything else.  One of these days if I ever have stupid money, I'm gonna buy up a ton of stuff like that and just fill the basement with them.  My goal has been to have the house look like an art gallery/medical museum/prop rental company, so God help me if I ever win the lottery.  Sharon and I are already doing a pretty god job with limited resources, so we might go full Addam's Family with a little bit of cash.   

    The point of it all, if I am going to try and focus here, is that this Francois Le Grande figure from Lulubell Toys is massive.  He's almost 16 inches tall and this is the first ever version featuring a full paint job.  he is available to preorder right now over at for $185.  The preorder window closes tomorrow night at 5pm pacific time.  

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