
Thursday, February 16, 2017

Foam Madballs from Kidrobot

    Does anyone else think of the stupid stuff they would do if they were ever rich?  I don't mean like hunting other human beings for sport on an island in the Pacific; I'm talking about non psychotic stuff.  I have been inspired by these foam Madballs from Kidrobot to fill an Olympic sized pool with them to create the ultimate ball pit.  And no, don't think you can come over and use it either, because this isn't some gimmicky pizza joint with a dancing rat where kids are peeing and pooping in there and spreading diseases the CDC can't even cure.  It's mine and I never want to have to worry about diving in and getting cholera all over me.

    I don't know how much it would cost to fill a giant pool with these, so I'm gonna start out with  large bowl and see where that takes me.  These throwbacks to the classic toy line are available right now at for $9.99 each.

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