
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A Trio of Vinyl Clouds from Amanda Visell x Fluffy House

    New Jersey weather has been off the chain as of late and two, count em TWO, days in a row we have had a half hour of Biblical grade thunderstorms followed by gorgeous sunshine.  I went to lunch at work one of those days and when I clocked out the sky was black and pouring rain and by the time I clocked back in it looked like a tropical postcard that you would buy in an airport.  The weather is playing with my emotions and I do not appreciate it.

   All three of these cloud figures from Amanda Visell and Fluffy House represent what has become a typical day in New Jersey weather, though I'm sure she didn't have that in mind while designing them.  Standing at 5 inches and retailing for $55 each, choosing just one would be as hard as choosing what clothes to wear to accommodate our ever changing climate.  Check em out by visiting

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