Showing posts with label Janky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Janky. Show all posts

Thursday, June 20, 2019

White Lotus SuperJanky from Junko Mizuno x Superplastic

      Oh Superplastic, how come you won't follow me on social media?  I thought we were gonna be bros when you first came out, but somewhere along the way that failed to happen.  Was it something I said?  Was it when you were doing the Janky photo contest and I put Janky in a bucket of human teeth?  I thought it was funny, but I've been wrong before.  Most recently when I thought Bitcoin could in no way be something sustainable, then BAM, guess who's not a millionaire.  I also tried to jump a dry-ish creek bed not taking into account my arthritic knee or the fact that I'm 40.  Nothing was broken, but my wife laughed until she nearly passed out.  Lesson learned: do dumb stuff when she isn't there and let the emergency room explain it to her.

    Superplastic may not be inviting me to their annual Thanksgiving diner party, but that's ok, cause I still think this White Lotus SuperJanky from Junko Mizuno is pretty cool.  If you do too you're in luck, because 444 of them were made and they will be available today starting at noon pst.  Get one for yourself at