Paul Kaiju has been posting tons of teasers for his DesignerCon exclusives and I'm over here just fiending for every one. Seriously, he has outdone himself and there isn't a thing I wouldn't drop kick a stranger to own. His booth #533 will involve two days of lotteries and you can see some of what is to be offered in these two photos. And here is the schedule if you plan on purchasing anything:
Paul Kaiju Booth #533 Schedule
Saturday November 19th:
9:00am – 2:30pm: Free tickets available for Saturday Drawing
3:00pm: Random Drawing for Paul Kaiju Figures
Sunday November 20th:
10:00am – 1:30pm: Free tickets available for Sunday Drawing
2:00pm: Random Drawing for Paul Kaiju Figures
But that isn't even all of it, no sir, because he's got even more releases at other booths. Unbox Industries (booth #1021) The Sour Lemon (booth #1800) and Vinyl Goldmine (booth #623) will also have different items for sale. Sadly, I will be working, but you go an have fun for me so I can live vicariously through your Instagram posts.