On this day known as Cyber Monday let us think back to a simpler time, before the internet, or people being punched in the face over cheap dish towels. Let us think back to the time so accurately portrayed in Game of Thrones, where an argument was decided by a sword and having children with your sister was no big deal. Hold on a sec. I'm being told that Game of Thrones is not actually a dramatic recreation of American history. You're kidding right? I know they didn't get to the whole George Washington part yet, but it I was sure it was coming. I just assumed it was all real, what with the History Channel not actually airing anything of historical value anymore I thought HBO had picked up the slack and was gonna teach me something. Obviously the place beyond the wall is Canada; we can all agree on that right?
Ok, I didn't really believe Game of Thrones was real, but I kind of wish it was. Except for that whole 8 year winter thing, which seems kind of crappy. Could you imagine if we really had to be completely bundled up for that long? We would all look like those cave creatures who have that see-through skin. You'd make a mint if you owned a tanning salon.
I'm finding it hard to stay on track today, so much so that I just wrote about how hard I'm finding it to stay on track. Sure I could have deleted that part, but this way it's a more authentic experience for you, the reader. We're on this magical journey together my friends, and there are gonna be some bumps in the road.
So Funko has some pretty sweet new Game of Thrones Pop! Vinyl figures coming out in January. Except for the Daenerys Targaryen, who will be released in February. Why? I dunno, just cause that's what they felt like doing. I ain't mad about it.