Wednesday, July 16, 2014

SDCC Exclusive Resin Bones Series from Killer Bootlegs x Mike Egan x DKE

    I am officially ready to make my pick for greatest thing available at San Diego Comic Con this year. And being that my logic has proven to be beyond reproach, you're gonna want these so bad.  Killer Bootlegs shrunk Mike Egan's Bones figure down to action figure size and painted them, and get ready for this cause I'm about to push the whole thing over the top:  each card back was painted BY HAND by Mike!!!  This is as original as original art gets.  Who came up with this, because it is genius.  There are three different styles modeled after three different classic toy lines and only twenty of each version were produced.  These are exclusives for the fine folks at DKE, so I would make sure I hit their booth up pretty early and maybe rob some cosplay kids on your way in so you have a ton of cash.  Not that I condone criminal activity mind you, but I'm just saying you gotta make sure your funds level is sufficient so you can get all your treasures back home.  Just don't try and rob anyone cosplaying as a cop, cause that will end poorly for you.  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

New Bedtime Bunnies from Peter Kato

    So yesterday I'm driving home from work and I pass by this huge open field where I normally see turkeys and deer roaming around eating their dinner.  Usually they're nowhere close to one another, respecting some invisible boundary that they've obviously agreed upon.  But last night they were all intermingled.  It was kinda weird seeing them all mixed together just chillin.  I have a hard time getting my cats to not torment one another and they're all the same species, and here we have these two very different creatures enjoying a dinner party.  

   I realize that there weren't any bunnies in that story, but I'd like to think the field was filled with them, they were just too short for me to see as I drove by.  Could you imagine if there were bunnies the size of deer?  That would take them from cute to frightening real fast. 

    I swear to you all this is going somewhere eventually.  Tomorrow night at 9pm, Peter Kato will be releasing another round of his insanely popular Bedtime Bunnies.  There will be 24 of the dark purple and hot pink ones, while there will be 12 more of the all pink ones in case you missed them before.  Each figure comes in either small or medium sizes and thankfully none are the size of dairy cows.  

Monday, July 14, 2014

SDCC Exclusive Hikari Figures from Toy Tokyo x Funko

    Are there more Funko toys on the planet than people yet?  It seems like every five minutes they're making something new.  And it would be cool except for the fact that I want just about all of it.  Space is seriously starting to become a premium in my house and the only rooms that don't have toys in them yet are the bathrooms.  I will most likely not be able to say that by the end of the year.  

    Toy Tokyo is making the trek to San Diego Comic Con and they're bringing a bunch of stuff with them, like these exclusive Hikari figures.  The Skeletor is my favorite, but Batman and Leonardo are looking pretty snazzy in their bright paint schemes.  Just make some extra room in your suitcase and get all three so you won't be sad about it the whole way home.  

Friday, July 11, 2014

SDCC Exclusive C-3P-Ho from Manly Art x DKE

    While walking around Atlantic City it is not unheard of to be solicited by one of the working women that litter the corners.  Prostitutes make people think of a lot of things, most of which I would never type here to be preserved on the internet forever, but when I see them all I can think about is this Sifl and Olly video:

    How great is that?  You don't have to tell me it's the best, cause I already know.  It was naturally the first thing I thought of when I saw this new figure from Manly Art.  Ok, the first thing I thought was "that's hilarious", then I started singing the song, which caused my cats to look at me like I lost my mind.  This scandalous droid is another DKE exclusive for San Diego Comic Con and will go splendidly with Manly Art's previous Pimp2-D2 figure.  

Kidrobot Announces SDCC Exclusives

    Kidrobot is doing things a little differently at this year's San Diego Comic Con.  They have forgone having their own booth in favor of spreading their exclusives around the show floor to different partners.  While you may think it's a negative that you can't just get all this stuff in one spot, I think you should look at it differently.  Look at it as an opportunity to explore booths you may not have ever visited before and to learn about other cool stuff you may really enjoy.  Now it's like they're doing you a favor by sending you on this journey of self discovery/potential bankruptcy.  

     Check out their first ever artist designed Bot figure.  Tristan Eaton designed this and it will be available first to convention goers, but it sounds like the rest of us will get a chance at one as well later on.  The folks at Rotofugi (booth 5248), Bait (booth 4949), and Fugitive (booth 601) will all have these available.

    Who doesn't love a sassy space critter with an abundance of fire power?  No, I'm not talking about your mom, I'm talking about Rocket Raccoon!!!!!!  He's getting the Labbit treatment from Frank Kozik (booth 5051) and you will not only be able to buy it first and get it signed, but you'll be the first to even SEE what it looks like.  I actually know how the figure looks:  snazzy on my entertainment center!  See what I did there?  I'm a mess.  

    And here's an example of what I was talking about earlier.  How many people would have normally made a stop at the Nickelodeon booth?  Be honest.  Well now you have the perfect reason to go and check it out to score these exclusive Beebop and Rocksteady figures.  Booth 4113 is the only place you'll be able to get them and who knows what else they'll have that you can't live without.  


Thursday, July 10, 2014

SDCC Exclusive Lavabear from Nathan Hamill x 3DRetro

    Cute things with big pointy teeth make me leery.  On the one hand, you kinda wanna pet them, but on the other hand, you may have to make a visit to the emergency room shortly there after.  I'm glad that at the zoo they make it pretty hard (though not impossible) to snuggle the dangerous creatures, otherwise I would be on the news a lot and I think my insurance company would drop me.  

    Lavabear from Nathan Hamill is quite adorable in vinyl form, though he looks a little bitey.  Being that he is an inanimate object the threat of evisceration is probably minimal, so I'm gonna go ahead and label him safe.  This fellow will be an exclusive for 3DRetro at San Diego Comic Con and is limited to 125 pieces.  

X-Ray and Pink Eye 8-Ball from Radioactive Uppercut

    Is there a much grosser disease than pink eye?  It may be easy to cure and may not lead to any crippling deformity, but as far as nasty things go, this ranks up there.  And it's ridiculously easy to catch.  Did you know that the evil that causes it can live on a surface for 30 days!!!!!!!!!!!!   Stuff that can literally kill you can't survive outside of the body for that long, but pink eye is stubborn.  Go ahead, rub your eyes right now, I'll wait.  

   Radioactive Uppercut is proud to present these two newest incarnations of his 8-Ball figure.  Both of these suckers go up for pre-order tomorrow, Friday July 11th, at 8pm Eastern time for $40 each.  They will each be made to order, so if you don't buy now, you don't get them, which will probably ruin your summer.  They're only available from