Thursday, April 16, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Posters Have Leaked!!!!!

    Oh sweet Jesus look what I found!!!!!!  In a move that I'm sure is purely coincidental (wink wink) the advertising for the new Star Wars film The Force Awakens has leaked just as Star Wars Celebration kicks off in California.  Now we get our first proper look at the newest bad dude on the Sith block, who's looking to crush the now victorious rebellion and restore an evil reign of terror to the galaxy.  I'm totally having a nerd seizure of excitement looking at these.  Is it December yet?  

Bedtime Bunny Danglers and More from Peter Kato

      Yesterday I was driving, well inching my way forward, in Philadelphia traffic and could have really used one.  To start with, the main highways in and around the city are very narrow and in a state of such disrepair that you would think auto mechanics had a hand in keeping them that way to drum up business.  Secondly, everyone is already angry for some reason and when you put them in traffic with merging cars and people attempting to make an exit from four lanes away it doesn't do anything to stop that.  The city is due for a new mayor yet none of the campaign commercials have addressed this at all. They harp on making neighborhoods safer and raising money for schools and tons of other issues, but i think everything can be solved with making people just a little happier.  That's why if I was elected mayor (which I don't know why I wouldn't be) I would by one of these Bedtime Bunny Danglers for everyone in the city to hang from their rearview mirrors.  Picture it now:  your level of anger is about to go from slow simmer to power boil cause you just knocked your cars alignment out of whack on a pot hole and some guy in a Mercedes who was talking on his cell phone just cut you off without so much as a courtesy signal.  You're about to go full nuclear when you notice one of Peter Kato's pastel rabbits swinging back and forth with a face so cute it could melt iron.  I just lowered the homicide rate single handedly with the help of some resin bunnies.  

    I think at $15 each, those danglers are a bargain that you can't pass up, especially when you're talking about saving lives.  But that's not all he'll have going up in his shop tonight at 8pm eastern time, as there will also be 10 Sleepytime Bunnies for $12 each.  Each one is hand made and totes adorbs (that's for the kids out there.  I am so not out of touch).


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A New "Keep Watch" Mummy Boy from Mishka x Super7

    Could you imagine how impractical it would be if our entire heads were just one big eyeball?  We'd never have any of those good fighting videos on Youtube because as soon as someone got poked it would be over.  Giant monocles would probably be really expensive for people that needed vision correction, not to mention putting eye drops in would be a two man job.  And pink eye would probably be fatal.  Thus concludes my argument for us to maintain the two little eyes we have and not wish for a big, all encompassing one.  Stop your wishing!

    The Keep Watch Mummy Boy from Mishka and Super7 is however a pro at keeping his neighborhood safe.  Nothing gets passed him, unless it occurs when he's making one of his very slow, energy draining blinks.  Then you could pretty much clean a house out and have half of the merchandise sold on Craigslist before he knew what happened.  You can get this unintentional peeping tom for your home tomorrow when he goes on sale at  

"Acidic Orange" Alien Figure from Super7

    This guy is doing a terrible job of not reminding about the Flyers not making the playoffs.  He's decked out in the team's colors, looking ready to hoist the Stanley Cup above his head.  But alas, it is not to be this season, or any of the past 30 plus seasons.  I wonder what the suicide rate among Philadelphia sports fans is.  I bet it's high.  Don't worry though, cause I'm too full of myself to dare deprive you of my presence.  No need to thank me.  

    Have you gotten one of these sofubi Alien dudes from Super7 yet?  They're not easy to come by, but you'll have a chance to snag this "Acidic Orange" version when it goes on sale this Thursday, April 16th at noon pacific time.  Fifty bucks and a lot of luck is all you need. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Naomi Knaff's Insane Resin Creations for ToyCon UK

    How crazy are these figures?  They're like some technicolor Lovecraftian nightmare and I love them.  These are the spawn of artist Naomi Knaff and they will all be available at next week's ToyCon UK at booth number 27.   I wouldn't be surprised if each one contained the soul of some ancient monster that roamed the earth long before we did, in which case you shouldn't put it somewhere that your cat could knock it over and unleash what is probably a very pissed off spirit.  Cats are always doing that stuff.  

Monday, April 13, 2015

"King of Mischief" Sylvan from Jon-Paul Kaiser x Gary Ham x Pobber Toys

    When you don't live in the city you have experiences that people from a more urban area would have a hard time imagining.  Before you get jealous, most of them aren't what you would call pleasant.  Like the other day when the wife and I were out for a drive and we stop at a light by a large field.  Not far from the roadway we see a dead dear, which is not the most uncommon thing, but then it started moving.  It's dead body shook and jumped all over like a little project from Dr. Frankenstein.  Just before we thought the roadkill zombie apocalypse was upon us a little beagle backed it's way out of the deer's enlarged rear end and grinned at us like he had found an endless supply of beef jerky.  His little tail wagged a mile a minute as he pondered over his great discovery, before diving back in for seconds.  I'll admit, I was much less horrified by the fact that this puppy had gone head first into the rotting butt of a woodland creature than the idea of it being let back into the house and loved on by an unsuspecting family.  Filthy, filthy puppy dog kisses.

    Now this dude is more of what I would expect to find nibbling at the old Roadkill Cafe.  Hell, I don't think he's the kind of guy that would wait for a station wagon to provide his meals for him;  I bet he's more proactive in procuring his dead things.  Jon-Paul Kaiser has added a touch of evil to Gary Ham's Sylvan figure, and he will be making his debut at next weekend's Toy Con UK at The Hang Gang's booth.  Limited to 100 pieces worldwide, Pobber Toys will be giving the rest of us a chance at snagging one soon after.


Friday, April 10, 2015

Help Kickstart Luke Chueh's Dissected with Clutter Magazine x Unbox Industries

    All these years I bet you thought that Bears had special bear-shaped skeletons underneath all that fur.  I bet you wish you paid better attention in biology class cause bears are made with human skeletons inside of them.  I thought everyone knew that but apparently the public education system has once again failed us.  Thankfully Luke Chueh has enlisted the help of Clutter Magazine and Unbox Industries to help spread some learning around the world that is so desperately needed.  This figure is on Kickstarter right now and SURPRISE it's already been funded!!!!  That means that you won't be disappointed when you pledge your cash now cause its guaranteed to happen!  Now the stretch goals are starting to become unlocked, giving you even more cool stuff to go along with your severed head.  Check it out at this link.