Thursday, October 29, 2015

Tricky Cats Blind Boxed Figures from Kidrobot Releasing Tomorrow!

    As you may or may not know, I have a few cats.  Not that you could tell from all the pictures I post on Instagram, or the patches of hair that stick to my clothing not matter what I do.  I love those little buggers and they certainly make life more interesting, like the fact that you never know what state of disrepair your house may be in when you return home from work.  Or if you'll roll over on your side trying to get comfortable in bed and find a hair ball staring you down as if it's ready for a turf war (That happened two nights ago and as proof that I'm totally getting better with not being freaked out by germs I just rolled the other way and went back to sleep.  I was reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaallly tired and was hoping it was maybe just a hallucination.  SPOILER ALERT: It wasn't)

    Just in case you had a pile of kittens turn up in your backyard and you're trying to place them in loving forever homes, I'm gonna have to let you know that we are as overcrowded as America's prison system.  The only cats we are currently accepting as new residents are of the plastic variety who respect that sanctity of antique furniture and carpeted staircases.  And lo and behold, we have some fitting candidates here in the form of these new Tricky Cats from Kidrobot.  These things are so freakin cute you'll be tempted to use your small animal/human baby voice as you tickle their wittle bellies.  

    These are packaged blind boxed, so just like real kitties you won't know what you get until they become adult bobcats and you're in your closet, cell phone in hand, begging animal control to come and get the thing before it finishes you off.  You only make that mistake once.  These will be available starting tomorrow, October 30th, on for $9.99 each.  I call dibs on the Halloween dude.  

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Rotten Gourd" Marbled Sludge Demon from Mutant Vinyl Hardcore Available Tonight

    Very few things in life make me happy.  There's my wife, my cats, cable television, grilled meat products, Slurpees, professional wrestling, and marbled vinyl.  God I love toys that are made with a multiple colors of plastic.  They give me a special feeling deep down in my soul each time I gaze upon their beauty.  You can't tell me you're not in love with these Sludge Demons from Mutant Vinyl Hardcore the way I am, and I'm so in love with them that I won't ever tell my therapist about it because he may try to have me committed.  

    I sure don't!  Especially being that these beauties are dropping tonight at 8pm eastern time over at  There will be unpainted versions for $75 and painted ones for $85.  They don't let you have access to the internet or your credit cards in the nut house.  At least that's what I heard anyway, it's not like I've been or anything.  Stop judging me.  

Lonely Dark Lady TQ from 3A

    I'm still pissed at George Lucas for going back and putting that garbage into the original Star War trilogy.  Especially being that the computer generated nonsense added exactly nothing to the films other than the feeling of fine grit sandpaper in my undershorts.  But this figure from 3A has given me a great idea for something to change in The Empire Strikes Back.  You know that pivotal scene where Vader tells Luke that he is his long lost father?  Let's revise it a bit:

Vader:  "Luke, I am your father."

Luke:  "No. That's not possible."

Vader:  "I know, right.  And to be honest I left you and your sister not to focus on my evil career, but to become the person I always knew I was inside."

     Vader then rips off his bulky outfit to reveal his new, streamlined, ladies body.  His light saber becomes a stripper pole and he flaunts what his space credits bought him.  

      End scene.

     You know that's a Robot Chicken sketch waiting to happen.   Hit me up Seth Green, and let's make sweet magic.
    October 30th is the date to get your hands on this 1/6th scale beauty from 3A and the only place to do that is  Your childhood will never be the same.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Check Out This New Figure From Javier Jimenez: Dorobanii the Jackalope

    Since the dawn of time, people have ben obsessed with sticking animals together to create new ones.  It's kind of a weird thing to do, but people seem to get a kick out of it.  From the Fiji Mermaid, which is half monkey half fish, to two-headed monstrosities featured in sideshows, we just can't get enough of tinkering with critters.  One of the cuter biological mashups of there is the jackalope, which for the uninitiated is a rabbit with antlers that can be found stuffed and ready for sale in all the best roadside souvenir shops throughout the american southwest.  Thankfully, someone has finally created a much more adorable version that doesn't require a two parts roadkill and one part super glue.

    Javier Jimenez's latest creation is this adorable little jackalope named Dorobanii.  You can check out his whole backstory by watching this video:

    He is available as we speak in the two different versions you see above.  There the regular edition, and a special Halloween edition that is limited to only 15 pieces.  These little resin dudes are only available from

Thursday, October 22, 2015

McSupersize Gold from Ron English x K. Olin Tribu On Sale Now!

    I'm embarrassed to say I have not only seen my first Drake video, but heard my first Drake song.  It's nowhere near my fault though, cause it was on the morning news cause they were making fun of his dance moves.  He does kinda look like someone going through physical therapy after a bad car accident, which is fitting cause the song made me want to drive into a tree.  Maybe his mom didn't believe in vaccines and he's got the early stages of polio setting in.  Serves him right for putting such awful noise out into the world.  

    I bring Drake up because he probably has a lot of money, thus making him a "baller".  But you don't need to sing bad songs to let people know your status, you can just get one of these sweet porcelain figures from Ron English x K. Olin Tribu.  People will walk into your house, spot that amazing gold finish, and know from the get go that you are not to be trifled with.  They might also ask you for a loan, so just be prepared for that.  

   These are limited to 15 pieces and on sale right now via   

Another One of A Kind Mummy and Sarcophagus Set Celebrating 10 Years of Plaseebo

    The last time I wrote about one of Plaseebo's special Mummy and Sarcophagus sets I told you how I wanted to be an archeologist when I was a wee little lad, but how unpractical I realized it was.  Well, no more than two weeks later what did I see online?  If you guessed a job posting for an archaeologist, you would be correct.  Ugh, if I had only stayed the course, I would have way better stories to tell my wife about how I spent all day in the woods digging up skulls like it was no big deal.  Instead I have to wait around for someone to act like a crazy person before I have anything interesting to relay when I get home.  Luckily, that happens a lot, but still.  

   The aforementioned Plaseebo is celebrating ten years of making crazy toys by releasing these one of a kind sets.  How awesome would this look next to your human skull collection (that I obviously don't have because of bad career choices).  This duo goes up for sale tomorrow, October 23, only at  

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Seen at NYCC: Tenacious Toys

    Every year Tenacious Toys gets together with a ton of other artists and brands, buys up a chunk of real estate in New York Comic Con, and creates Fort Kick Ass (a totally unofficial name).  On the outside it looks innocent enough, with tables full of toys and people looking to strike up conversation, but it's what's in the middle of it that you don't see that would truly blow your mind.  They have their own sanitation system, fire department, ministry of defense and electric company.  From what I hear they are currently looking for weapons grade uranium to squash threats from unruly anime gangs, but that has yet to be confirmed.  

    All that may or may not be true, as their propaganda department is very good at spinning webs of confusion, but you should check out some pictures here and on our Facebook page of tons of custom toys.