Friday, November 6, 2015

Mister Melty (Super Creamier Edition) from Buff Monster

    Sometimes I think of making my own resin figures.  I've got plenty of ideas for little dudes to sell you at a premium and I feel pretty confident I could work out the mechanics of it.  The problem is that I would be all gung ho buying the supplies but then they would just collect dust in my basement.  I'd take out the trash, or buy cat food, or do one of the thousand other things I think of on my days off and would eventually forget I even have the stuff.  It's my curse, which as far as curses go is probably not that severe.  I could get violently ill every time a WWE pay per view is on, or I could be allergic to Slurpees.  See, gotta focus on the bright side of things.

    Buff Monster obviously has no scheduling issues as he has created a butt ton of resin Mister Meltys for this release.    These are called the Super Creamium edition and each one is unique and comes in a hand painted box.  These are available starting today at 10am eastern time from  Only 40 exist in the whole wide world, which ain't that many when you think about how many people are gonna want one.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"It's a F.A.D." Funny from J*RYU in Kidrobot Exclusive Patina Finish

    You see this tombstone here?  I have no idea who this lady is, but I feel we would have been great friends.  It all has to do with my belief that she planned to have her final resting place adorned with super sick patina.   Now I have more reason for thinking this than just being a nut ball, because I took this picture in Laurel Hill Cemetary, which was actually created as a tourist attraction by who else, the Victorians.  So I figure the people buried there really put some thought into giving visitors something cool to see and remember them by.  This woman was acutely aware of the oxidation process and knew that years down the road, the patina covering her marker would increase in how bangin' it was.  That's some thinking I can get behind.

    I am completely in love with this toy, admittedly a lot has to do with the sick finish that everyone knows I'm so fond of, but J*RYU and Kidrobot really outdid themselves with this Dunny in every aspect.    I love how the figure is not necessarily a character, but is focused on the various ornamental details covering it.  Just go ahead and throw out some of your other toys to make room for this monstrous 20 inch beauty.  Or better yet sell em off, cause something this stunning, and large, don't come cheap.  It's gonna run you $500, which is a little too rich for my blood, but I desperately wish it wasn't.  In fact, my new goal in life is to get to a place of financial security where making such a toy investment would be like buying a loaf of bread.  Maybe I should give that nice man a call that offered to harvest my kidney a few months back.  Hopefully he's cleaned the place up a little and stopped letting the goats sleep in the operating room.  I better have my tombstone picked out just in case.

    You can only get this edition from, or their locations in San Francisco and Las Vegas starting this Friday, November 6th at 9am MST.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Help Kickstart the "Calliope" Stop Motion Film from Circus Posterus

    The work of Kathie Olivas and Brandt Peters has always occupied a twisted world much different than any we know.  They've shown you glimpses through their various toy and print releases, but you've been left to use your own imagination to fill in the blanks.  Now they have the opportunity to take their creativity to the next level, encompassing not only sight but sound, in a stop motion animated film.

    The thing about stop motion is that even for a short film it is very expensive to produce.  If you've ever seen a behind the scenes feature on how they're made then you have an appreciation for the amount of work that goes into it.  That's why they have launched a Kickstarter campaign to help, literally, bring this whole project to life.  There are some pretty killer rewards for the art and toy collector alike, featuring exclusive figures, prints, and much much more.  Take a gander below at some of the crazy stuff you could own while helping to make this film.  Support the campaign at this link.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Christmas Releases from Kidrobot

    Halloween is now two days behind us, which can only mean that it's time to be bombarded with Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't know how people ever forget to shop until the day before because everywhere you turn someone is reminding you that it's coming up.   Christmas is your vegan friend who keeps leaving their brochures from Peta all over your house.  

    Though it can start to inflict blunt force trauma on your very being, Christmas is also a fun time that you get to spend with your family, eat beyond what is socially acceptable, and a day to show off just how great your engineering skills are by assembling the most complicated toys know to man.  Oh, and there's presents, which I will remind you I accept all year round whether it is marking a major holiday or not.  

    Something that's on my perpetually growing wish list is this new Dunny from Frank Kozik and Kidrobot.  This dude is trying to bring to light the hostile working conditions that North Pole Elves are facing this time of year as they are pushed beyond the limits of their little bodies in an effort to make unreasonable deadlines.  You can get one for yourself and ask him how the arbitration is going starting tomorrow, November 3rd from  Just don't be surprised if he sets up a giant inflatable rat on your front lawn.  

    You know what's great about these DIY Munny ornaments?  They already look good, so any lack or artistic ability that may be hindering you is totally a non factor.  Just pop em out of the box and onto your tree and wait for your cats to knock them down and shove them under the fridge.  Your experience may vary.  These are also available tomorrow in a handy 5 pack.  

Friday, October 30, 2015

Halloween Releases from Plaseebo

    How has no one made an independent horror film with any of Plaseebo's creations?  If any of these three were after you, even if it was to just trying to return your cell phone that you left in a restaurant, you would not stop running until you died of exhaustion.  Then they would probably crawl inside your lifeless corpse and devour you from the inside out.  Especially the mouse looking one, he just screams "I'm feeling snacky for human flesh."  

    These three one of a kind figures will be available on Halloween at 12am eastern time only from  Now excuse me while I got nail all of my doors and windows shut.  

Weird Ways In Which People Find This Website

   Haven't done one of these in a while, but when a few people out there have stumbled upon my website with such an odd search criteria, it deserves a mention.  Apparently, three of you found your way here by looking up "Zack Ryder Japan."  For those of you not familiar with the world of professional wrestling, Zack Ryder is a WWE Superstar who does have an impressive collection of wrestling toys.  Now whether he's been to Japan or not I have no idea, because for some reason we don't hang out.  Call me Zack, my readers demand it!  

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Even More New Releases from Mutant Vinyl Hardcore

    My wife won't let me have this toy.  It's my own fault really, cause when I first saw Zug the Troll he wasn't wearing his fancy loin cloth and his twigs and berries were hanging out for all to see.  I made the joke that if I got one of these I would, every so often, snap a picture of his ding a ling and text it to my wife.  Here's how it would play out:

Sharon:  I miss you.

Me:  I miss you too.  But you know what else?

Sharon:  What?

Me: "troll ding a ling pic"

Sharon: I'm not speaking to you.

    It's kind of like the next level of Deez Nuts jokes and I thought she would be proud of me coming up with such a great innovation to a classic that also involved our toy collection.  Now I'm gonna have to buy her shoes.  

    All kidding aside, this new figure from Mutant Vinyl Hardcore is pretty intense.  Dude looks like he would have no problem gnawing the meat off of your bones if you dared to pass over his bridge.  He's making his debut tonight in both painted and unpainted versions.  And you don't even need to enter a lottery to get one.  All you have to do is visit at 8pm eastern time and pray that your Wi-Fi holds up.  

    Oh you thought that was all?  Nope, cause tomorrow night Sam Heinous makes his once per year appearance.  Also releasing at 8pm eastern time, this guy looks hellbent on bringing the tricks rather than the treats (Didn't that sound like I could almost work for Buzzed there for a second? )  I have a feeling a lot of people's credit cards are going to be screaming for mercy by the time this week is over.