Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Hound from Game of Thrones in 1/6th Scale from threezero

    I am currently committing the cardinal sin of literature by reading the Game of Thrones series after having seen the show.  Say what you will, but there was no way I was gonna finish the book series before caving and watching the show.  Some internet meme would have slipped past my defenses and ruined a pivotal occurrence and I would have been pissed.  Thus far the two are matching up pretty well so I'm hopeful that trend will continue as I get further into the story.  Don't spoil it or I'll hit you.

   Threezero are continuing their ridiculously detailed Game of Thrones line with what has turned out to be a very complex character; The Hound.  Don't worry, I won't spoil it for the four of you that don't watch it, but dude isn't just a chargrilled face.  There are two different versions of this killer with the heart of imitation gold, as the one offered as an exclusive to threezero will come with his killer dog helmet.  It's only a couple of bucks more, so do the right thing and spring for it otherwise there will be regret, and regret is an emotion that will get you killed on the field of battle.  I take this very seriously.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Her-Man from Dead Greedy

    Sharon and I went to one of those Chiller Theatre shows in North Jersey many years ago where they have lots of weird celebrities show up to sign things and tables filled with all sorts of collectibles to buy.  We were walking down the hallway just taking it all in when we see this mass of people coming towards us taking pictures but we couldn't see who the object of their attention was. We get closer and in the middle of this group stood Pee Wee Herman, dressed completely in character, doing the voice and everything.  He was on his way to wherever he was signing autographs and we just happened to be there.  Yeah, it's not the best story but it's the only one I have.  Oh, and maybe ten years later my wife finally saw Pee Wee's Big Adventure for the first time, so there's that.  I'll just sit here and wait for the publishers to come to me for this one.

    Dead Greedy made me a little nervous when I opened his email, because a Pee Wee/He-Man mash-up was not the first thing I thought of when I read Her-Man.  I thought maybe one of the best loved characters from my childhood had decided through surgical means to pursue the gender he always felt he was inside.  But alas, I am safe from those conflicted feelings as this is the result of some parallel universe on tv where beloved shows blend together in bizarre fashion.  

    You can own one of these handmade carded figures by visiting


Monday, August 15, 2016

The Best Toy Show of The Year is Called Black Drove and It's Coming August 27th

    Well, between the title of this post and the two photos listing the event info and participating artists, there's not a lot left for me to say about Black Drove.  Just look at the names on the flyer below and tell me there's anything else I can do to convince you that this is the place to be on August 27th.  I don't even have anything sarcastic to say, which is weird cause that's kinda my thing.  Just get your funds together and go and buy some amazing work.  The judge will understand if you have to cut your ankle monitor off.  

Friday, August 12, 2016

"Defaced" Custom Skelevex Die Orama Series featuring Hoakser

    I could have sworn when I was preparing my extensive research about these (aka reading my emails) that the price must be a typo.  You can get a handmade Skelevex figure, with custom artwork from British graffiti dude Hoakser, and it will only run you about $19 plus shipping?  I feel like this should be a late night tv infomercial and I should be telling you how this is  once in a lifetime deal, and people that don't take advantage of it will tell their grandkids how they could have left them one in their will but they were too lame to pull the trigger.  Don't be the person that has to look at the disappointed face of their grandchild.

     These little dudes are killer and look like they were just plucked fresh from that particular section of town that you always see on the morning news.  Snatch one up for yourself by visiting on Saturday, August 13th at 6pm bst.

Trouble Trouble - Black Edition from Dabs Myla X Munky King


    If I owned this toy I would reply to any of my wife's questions that need to be answered in the affirmative by whipping this sucker out and yelling "DYNO MITE" just like JJ from Good Times because I am all about pushing boundaries and living like the rebel I am.  Eventually she will get tired of it and hide it from me, which will force my hand into finding some new way to establish the proper level of awesome for which I am entitled as an American.  You don't need Monster Energy drinks when you are filled with the spirit of Kenny Powers.  I totally just power watched Eastbound and Down and was way more inspired by it than I should have been.

    Munky King is releasing the latest Trouble Trouble figure from Dabs Myla in black on black with a wee bit o gold for some spice.  If you want one you can get it at noon pacific time today from  Put it on a plate, cover it in birdseed, and finally nail that pesky roadrunner once and for all.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

Twinclops Debut Lottery Sale From Planet X


 If a cyclops has two heads does that mean he can see in stereo?  Does he, or they, have depth perception or the ability to see in 3D?  Will their separate brains converge for the sole purpose of being able to view that bad art that was popular in the '90's that you had to squint to see and it was always a sailboat?  See, that's why Ray Harryhausen made his cyclops with only one head so he didn't spend sleepless nights worrying about these things.

    Planet X have been teasing us for what seems like forever with this beast and the time has finally come for you to own one.  If you're lucky that is, cause you have to enter and win a lottery just for the chance to buy this beautiful sofubi creature.  Here's how you do it:

To enter lottery, please send the following information to from NOW till Aug 14, 2016 (24:00 HKT)

1. Name
2. Shipping Address
3. Country
4. Phone Number
5. PayPal Account
6. Instagram / Facebook ID

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Second Pin from Josh Divine's Alley Kids Series is Available Now


  How come the enamel pin thing didn't blow up while the people at TGI Fridays were forced to wear flair on their suspenders?  You'd think that with those restaurants and all those folks needing pins that the market would have responded accordingly.  But nope, now they just wear polo shirts with no hint of their personality or what they're really about and the pin game is stronger than ever.  I for one am not into eating crappy food served by people who all look like extras from 1984, so bring back the flair and stop feeding us your agenda of conformity and indigestion, TGI Fridays, if that is your real name.

   When Josh Divine isn't dreaming up craziness for Kidrobot he's out there doing his own thing in the art world, like making his Alley Kids series of pins.  The latest is Alexis, who is a rocker girl who is waaaaaaay more Joan Jett than Avril Lavigne and would bring love to bring a heavy dose of sass to your jean jacket.  Get her right now by checking out