Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sea-Borg Mutations Wave 2 from MonsterPants

     None of us are perfect, but it's our flaws that make us who were are.  Like, if you were missing an eye, people might call you "Cyclops Bro".  Or if you had a trash truck run over both your legs and ended up in a lawyer commercial talking about it you'd be this lady:

    That commercial makes me laugh every time I see it.  Seriously, it's absurd but I cant help it.  I even showed it to everyone I work with and they thought it was hilarious too.  I mean, there's the fact that the trash truck ran over her legs, which is kind of a funny way to get yourself injured.  And how did she end up laying on the road so a trash truck could even do that?  Did she drop her keys in the gutter?  Did a raccoon steal her keys and run into the gutter with them and she was lying there with a turkey club from Subway trying to bribe him to return them?  And her voice is so sad and pathetic and I just can't help it but then I worry that laughing makes me a sociopath, which only lasts all of two seconds.  The worrying part, not the laughing.  I'm still laughing as I type this.

    Imperfections can be awesome, just like these Sea-Borg Mutations from MonsterPants.  They're created from miscast parts, color tests, and other bits of randomness that gives each figure his own unique personality.  Bring these delightful freaks into your life when they go one sale Thursday, September 29th at noon eastern time at this link.  I wonder if she got Terminator legs after the accident?  If so I think I should go into hiding.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Bigshot Toyworks Exclusives for NYCC


     Bigshot Toyworks never fails to deliver a diverse offering of items when they make an appearance at New York Comic Con, but this year they've got everything from a half dissected black metal gnome, to a familiar looking fried chicken baron, to a jacked up unicorn that's more pit fighter than Lisa Frank notebook cover.  Check out some photos of what will be available and pay them a visit at booth #309 during the convention.

The Debut Release of Javier Jimenez's Maneko Wananeko Resin Figure

   You can never have too many cat toys.  You can also never have too many $100 bills , or tacos, or friends with a sweet hook up.  No need to thank me for dropping some life knowledge on you like that, I like to share what I learn from spending hours on the internet every day.  I guess I could have talked about the presidential debates, but I chose to watch wrestling instead, which is oddly more believable than the nonsense happening in my country right now.  Back to cat toys before I get bummed out about it.

    Javier Jimenez has taken his Wananeko character into a new, miniature realm with this sculpt.  Standing at 2 and 1/2 inches, this resin kitty is available for preorder right now from this link.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

NYCC Exclusives from Rampage Toys x Tenacious Toys

    Jon Malmstedt is moving his Rampage Toys operation from Japan back to the United States and his first stop is gonna be at New York Comic Con.  He'll have a ton of exclusives available at the Tenacious Toys booth # 309 and these are just some of what you'll be able to score.  He'll also be bringing more with him when he makes an appearance on Saturday.  Check out the pictures and start saving your lunch money.  Or steal someone else's and that way you can eat and have money too.  That makes more sense.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hooverville Labbits from Frank Kozik x Kidrobot

    You need proof that times are still tough?  I made a joke in a post once about selling a kidney and I got legitimate solicitations from a dude in Africa willing to act as the surgeon/middle man.  He sent me a link to his clinic's website which had a surprising number of goats wandering around outside of what was termed "the operating room."  Now call me a germaphobe if you will, but one goat inside a hospital is really one too many if you think about it.  And I love goats and would be excited to see one just about anywhere else that didn't involve putting a gaping wound in my body.  Plus airplanes are uncomfortable enough as it is without trying to recover from major surgery on one, unless they started stocking those little drink carts with morphine when I wasn't looking, but I doubt it.  They won't even give you the full can of soda, like that extra bit is gonna bankrupt them.

    Being broke doesn't mean you have to be depressed all the time.  Just check out this Hooverville Labbit from Frank Kozik and Kidrobot.  Dude may be traveling down a rough path but he's just happy to be alive and doing his best to keep a positive outlook on his future.  He's available right now in a vintage colorway and in blazing Technicolor orange that can be found exclusively on

Thank You For Making Me a Finalist in The Designer Toy Awards

    I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you to everyone who nominated me to be a finalist in The Designer Toy Awards and for voting for me to win as Best Blog.  I found out about the nomination while I was traveling all last week so I didn't have access to do a proper post about it, but I am beyond grateful for all of your support.  While it would be very cool to win, the greatest reward a writer can ever receive is having others read their work and enjoy it and everyday I am beyond thankful for that.  Jesus, that was sappy.  And it's not like I couldn't go back and edit a fart joke in there somewhere rather than go on a stream of consciousness rant where I type everything I'm thinking.  I should probably go take a shower before my wife comes home from work so I can at least fake some form of productivity today.  This is kinda like when you know you have to be up early for something important so you try real hard to go to sleep and you try to clear your mind of any thoughts but then you start wondering what it is about jazz music that is appealing to people and the next thing you know you didn't sleep at all and you have to try not to hallucinate while you're doing your important thing but then you kinda nod off and have one of those half asleep/half awake dreams and you're not sure if you just yelled something really dumb out loud or it was just part of the dream. What were we talking about again?

Friday, September 16, 2016

Mixed Parts Madness from Splurrt X Lulubell Toy Bodega

    SAAAAAAAATUUUUUUUUUURDDAAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!!  Did you read that in your head like I was about to announce a monster truck rally, because if you did you are awesome and we are friends.  I got way too pumped listening to a song from the new Darkthrone album and now I'm just trying to type out all these rage feelings I've got and turn them into something informative for you.  Did you know that the dude from Darkthrone accidentally got himself elected to his town's council in Norway after he posted a picture of himself with his cat and said "don't vote for me?"  I wish he was eligible to be our president instead of those two other clowns.

Change I can believe in.

   Splurrt is dropping some more Cadaver Kids and Mecha Cadaver Kids through Lulubell Toy Bodega on Saturday and this time they're all mixed up.  I'm usually not a huge mixed parts fan but the colors he chose are so different on these that I dig em.  They will be $50 and $55 respectively and will go on sale promptly at noon pacific time (September 17th) only from  These will be gone in the blink of an eye so forget whatever else you were planning on doing and camp your behind in front of a computer ready to pull the trigger.