Fuchsia is one of those words that look like a terrible idea when you're typing it, as it come dangerously close to being a vulgarity. Then you realize that the word is derived from the German botanist Leonhart Fuchs and you begin to feel terribly sorry for him during his high school years. That's a pretty brutal last name to deal with during your younger years, right up there with Weiner or Butts. Maybe "right up there" wasn't the best phrasing I could have used.
This new Luftkaiser from Paul Kaiju is the ultimate tribute for any 16th century plant loving dude. Available via lottery from Toy Art Gallery, you can enter from this Friday April 7th until the lottery closes on Monday, April 10th. Just send an email to sales@toyartgallery.com with Luftkaiser Lottery as the subject along with your Paypal address and shipping details. Only enter once though, or you'll get disqualified and feel like a dummy.