There's nothing like a graphic that comes prepared with every bit of info you could need about new stuff. At this point Jermaine Rogers has done all of the work to tell you about his Halloween releases, so I could just phone the rest of this in and go do other stuff. I have trash that needs to be taken out that has developed an aroma unique of it's individual components. There are always litter boxes to scoop, tumble weed-like hair clumps to sweep up, or my favorite past time of sitting in the shower and trying to come to terms with the fact that I have to go to work. The hot water never lasts as long as my uncertainty. So yes, while Jermaine Rogers has told you about both glow in the dark pins and even informed you about his glow in the dark resin figure, all of which will be available at 3pm eastern time today exclusively from, I still feel it is my duty to "spice" it up a bit, lest I be accused of taking the easy way out. So here ya go:
I'll chalk this one up as a success.